Order Fulfillment, Logistics & Payments Policy - Generic

(For specific Store level policies, please visit the respective Store Policy pages from the Store Showcase, My Cart or My Orders)

Order Fulfillment
Last Modified: 23 February 2018

  1. When a Customer places an order online, at Jodo.store, with a particular Store, the Order is marked as 'Submitted'
  2. 'Submitted' Orders are "processed" by the Store, to which they are submitted, and moved into subsequent stages based on the Type of Order
    1. Orders that have a 'Store Pick-up' (or something similar) Will be marked as 'Ready for Pick-up'
      1. Customer will be notified via SMS once an Order gets to this stage
      2. Customers can now visit the Store, provide the mobile phone number associated with their Jodo Account, and pick-up their 'Ready for Pick-up' Order
    2. Orders that requires a Store Representative to visit a Customer provided location, will be marked appropriately, until they are 'Out for Delivery/Pick-up'
      1. Customer will be notified via SMS once an Order gets to this stage
      2. Customers can now expect a visit from a representative of the Store (Merchant/ Logistics Agent) to the selected Customer Location for the Delivery/Pick-up and Closure of the Order
  3. For any Order that requires a Store Representative to visit a Customer provided location, it is the Customers responsibility to accurately provide the location details, and guide the Store representative to the location
  4. For any Order that requires a Store Representative to visit a Customer provided location, it is the Customers responsibility to be available at the provided location OR communicate to the Representative of a suitable time of availability
  5. Orders that are not Closed within the respective Store Order Expiry Window, irrespective of the reason, will be automatically 'Closed'. The Store will make its best effort to Close the Order before it expires
  6. An Order is deemed 'Closed', if the Order is marked as 'Delivered', 'Picked-up', 'Cancelled', 'Out of Stock', 'Expired' or 'Complete'
  7. All Orders can be viewed by the Customer under 'Orders' until the Order is Closed
  8. All Open Orders can be viewed by the Customer on the My Orders page
  9. All Closed Orders can be viewed by the Customer on the Closed Orders page

Last Modified: 23 February 2018

  1. The Logistics Options offered, and the Fees charged vary by Store, Customer Location and Order Totals. Your Cart will clearly list the available Options along with any applicable fees
  2. In case of an Order cancellation at the time of Order Closure OR for any Order Returns, the Refund of any amount paid as Logistics Fee, for the Order, would be subject to the respective Store Logistics Policy

Payments Policy
Last Modified: 23 February 2018

  1. Payment for Orders placed online can be in any of the following modes:
    1. Pay Online (Card/Netbanking/Wallet/UPI): At the time of Order submission, (or) Once the order is processed by the Store - subject to the respective Store Payments Policy
    2. Pay Offline (Cash/Card/other): At the time of Closing the order
  2. Payments for Outstanding Payments to Customer Store Accounts can be in any of the following modes:
    1. Pay Online (Card/Netbanking/Wallet/UPI): From the Store Accounts Page - subject to the respective Store Payments Policy
    2. Pay Offline (Cash/Card/other): At the store
  3. Payment for an Order is deemed 'Complete', if the Customer makes a Payment for the Total Order Price directly against the Order, OR makes a Payment for another Order and includes the payment due for the former Order
  4. Online Payments are received and automatically recorded against the corresponding Order and/or Customer Store Account - subject to the respective Store Payments Policy
  5. For Payments received offline, it is the Payment Receivers responsibility to accurately record the payment against the corresponding Order and/or Customer Store Account
  6. Payment recorded against an Order can be viewed in the Order Details from the Orders pages (Open Orders ; Closed Orders)
  7. Payment recorded against a Customer Store Account can be viewed from the respective Customer Store Account
  8. Any Refunds to Payments are governed by the respective Payment Refund Policy

If you require any assistance regarding the Order Fulfillment, Logistics and Payment Policy, please Contact Us

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